Security Alert – Heartbleed 2

Security Alert – Heartbleed 2
I had wrongly advised before to simply change your passwords for services you find critical. What I should have said was to: a) consult your online services and check if their services have been affected b) if they have been affected check if they have implemented an update to handle the bug c) after a patch ...

Security Alert – Heartbleed

Security Alert - Heartbleed
I have been receiving emails from various services telling me that they had been vulnerable to the heartbleed bug. This bug seems to have affected all services that use the OpenSSL cryptographic software library which is very very popular. For example some of the services that have been affected are IFTTT, wunderlist, mongolab. This bug enables attackers ...

Evernote reminders

Evernote reminders
FINALLY … Evernote Reminders Are Here on Mac, iOS and Web

Evernote – Control your data 6

Evernote - Control your data
Google’s announcement that Google Reader will not be available after July 1, 2013 reminded us that nothing lasts for ever and that no matter how much we use a service, the providers can do what they say in their terms and conditions… stop the service at any time. The latest Evernote security issues also reminded ...

How to make your life easy at the airport

How to make your life easy at the airport
So here I am on another business trip. I have learned some stuff about traveling and making my life easier with the right accessories and technology, and so I thought I’d share my knowledge. Though I love to travel, I am one of those people who hate being inside an airport. You know what I ...

Backup posts with IFTTT and Evernote

Backup posts with IFTTT and Evernote
Remember my post about the power of simplicity with IFTTT and well you noticed my obsession with Evernote. What better way to “put the Internet to work for me” (as says) than to combine the two and have an automatic method of backing up and archiving my posts in Evernote. In this post I will ...

Fast GTD with 6

Fast GTD with
  As the obsession with getting organized grows, so does the technology and the services that are out there. seems to be growing up nicely and provides a great candidate tool for our GTD needs. The service is based on the GTD principles, and they provide a stunning user experience on all platforms(mobile, tablet and web).

Personal life corner (at work)

Personal life corner (at work)
Everyone talks about accessing your work stuff from everywhere and being connected, but what about your personal stuff. What if you want to access your personal drobox or evernote account instead of your professional one? How can you protect your personal stuff from being downloaded on your work pc?

Timeline jquery – APOEL Champions League 2011 – 2012

Timeline jquery - APOEL Champions League 2011 - 2012
I liked the jquery timeline so much that I had to do one more. This time I created a timeline as a tribute on APOEL’s Champions League adventure with links from Below is an embedded version in my post using the Timeline wordpress plugin, but you can also view a full screen version at APOEL Champions ...

Timeline jquery plugin

Timeline jquery plugin
Remember my post on news timeline… well now its even easier to implement with Timeline, a jquery plugin for displaying linear date based events. It is really easy to use and it can pull in media from different sources such as Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo, Google Maps or SoundCloud. Timeline uses as input either a Google ...