Evernote reminders

Evernote reminders
FINALLY … Evernote Reminders Are Here on Mac, iOS and Web

Time Management Tips

Time Management Tips
Here a great presentation on Time Management from Etienne Garbugli. Good stuff :-).

Timeline jquery – APOEL Champions League 2011 – 2012

Timeline jquery - APOEL Champions League 2011 - 2012
I liked the jquery timeline so much that I had to do one more. This time I created a timeline as a tribute on APOEL’s Champions League adventure with links from http://www.uefa.com. Below is an embedded version in my post using the Timeline wordpress plugin, but you can also view a full screen version at APOEL Champions ...

Timeline jquery plugin

Timeline jquery plugin
Remember my post on news timeline… well now its even easier to implement with Timeline, a jquery plugin for displaying linear date based events. It is really easy to use and it can pull in media from different sources such as Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo, Google Maps or SoundCloud. Timeline uses as input either a Google ...

Promises Promises web app

Promises Promises web app
Sick and tired of politicians big talk and undelivered promises? Well they only get away with it because their statements are not properly documented, thus its not easy to verify exactly what someone says, when they say it, concerning what subject e.t.c. In the spirit of the latest events in Cyprus, where everyone seems to resist on ...

News Time Line 1

News Time Line
Ok lets get started. I was talking with a friend the other day about something we heard on the news, and we couldn’t understand what it was all about. It was something like “Mr. X. will be meeting with the ABC comity to discuss the future of XYZ.” And then there was this huge buzz ...