Intellectual and Industrial Property eServices 1

Intellectual and Industrial Property eServices
Take a look at the brand new site of the Intellectual and Industrial Property of the Department of the Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver of Cyprus (DRCOR). The site provides links for all the online services of the Intellectual and Industrial Property Department and also utilises the Online search registry (cRegistry) technology to provide ...

Security Alert – Heartbleed 2

Security Alert – Heartbleed 2
I had wrongly advised before to simply change your passwords for services you find critical. What I should have said was to: a) consult your online services and check if their services have been affected b) if they have been affected check if they have implemented an update to handle the bug c) after a patch ...

Security Alert – Heartbleed

Security Alert - Heartbleed
I have been receiving emails from various services telling me that they had been vulnerable to the heartbleed bug. This bug seems to have affected all services that use the OpenSSL cryptographic software library which is very very popular. For example some of the services that have been affected are IFTTT, wunderlist, mongolab. This bug enables attackers ...

Google maps directions for Cyprus 2

Google maps directions for Cyprus
At long last you can find your way in Cyprus with google maps. Directions have been enabled on their platform and the street coverage seems to be decent. You can search streets using both English or Greek names. Now everyone with moble internet and google maps on their phones have a GPS navigation system on ...

Buy Soccer Tickets On-line … In Cyprus

Buy Soccer Tickets On-line ... In Cyprus
Wow am so proud. I can now buy my tickets online from Well it’s been around for some time now, but I just noticed that I can select the exact positions I want. The interface is not that great but does the job. Its a good old java application and it behaves just like ...

7/11 Next day

7/11 Next day
Ok one more about the 11/07/2011 explosion at Zigi Cyprus. Somehow the discussion has changed and the new subject is now Left VS Right wing. How did we let this happen? Why is everyone fixated on blaming the other? And what does the coup have to do with the huge hole in Zigi? We have already ...

“Σας διαβεβαιώ” πως “έχω πληροφορίες” πως “αποστάληκε επιστολή” που “καλούν” τους “εμπλεκόμενους” να “προβούν σε ενέργειες” …

Συγχωρέστε τα Ελληνικά μου καθώς όπως φαίνεται από το παρών άρθρο τα φιλολογικά δεν τα έχω. Ακόμα και εγώ όμως με τα λίγα Ελληνικά μου, όταν ακούω άτομα να μιλούν σε μέσα μαζικής ενημέρωσης, δεν μπορώ παρά μόνο να εκνευρίζομαι. Να αρχίσω με την ποσότητα. Σε μια εποχή όπου η ενημέρωση μεταδίδεται τόσο γρήγορα και τόσο μαζικά, είναι απίστευτο το πόσο λίγη πληροφορία μεταδίδεται στους ...

Web apps UI trends

Web apps UI trends
Google’s social initiative google+, gave the opportunity to change their main web applications (search, gmail, calendar, google +) UI considering the new trends. Even though they are still experimenting they seem to be on the right track. They are combining cleanness, simplicity and flexibility. Google say their design principles are based on focus, elasticity and effortlessness. I will try ...

Cypriot History x

Cypriot History x
I cannot be untouched by what has happened today at Mari. The amount of irresponsibility that fills every part of our society has lead to yet another destruction. A place filled with educated scientists, with an enormous government workforce, has managed to come up with a plan to actually store high explosive under the blazing cypriot sun. Surprise surprise … they exploded. In a place where everyone ...

CMIT’s TransPhone also doubles as a tablet

CMIT's TransPhone also doubles as a tablet
We looked at Asus PadFone and we said that that was not the first time someone came up with the idea of a phone to tablet dock. Seems CMIT’s TransPhone also announced a smartphone that can be inserted into a larger multi touch display turning into a tablet. TransPhone has a 1.2GHz Qualcomm processor and a SVGA display. It is unclear on ...