Fast GTD with 6

Fast GTD with
  As the obsession with getting organized grows, so does the technology and the services that are out there. seems to be growing up nicely and provides a great candidate tool for our GTD needs. The service is based on the GTD principles, and they provide a stunning user experience on all platforms(mobile, tablet and web).

Timeline jquery – APOEL Champions League 2011 – 2012

Timeline jquery - APOEL Champions League 2011 - 2012
I liked the jquery timeline so much that I had to do one more. This time I created a timeline as a tribute on APOEL’s Champions League adventure with links from Below is an embedded version in my post using the Timeline wordpress plugin, but you can also view a full screen version at APOEL Champions ...

Timeline jquery plugin

Timeline jquery plugin
Remember my post on news timeline… well now its even easier to implement with Timeline, a jquery plugin for displaying linear date based events. It is really easy to use and it can pull in media from different sources such as Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo, Google Maps or SoundCloud. Timeline uses as input either a Google ...

Power by simplicity with ifttt 1

Power by simplicity with ifttt
With you can create tasks depending triggers from various channels on the basis of “If this then that”. Sounds very basic … and it is. Its power though comes from combining different channels giving its users the chance to automate a lot of processes done manually up to now. Classic example is when you are ...

Nobody’s perfect when it comes to pixels

Nobody's perfect when it comes to pixels
So it seems that even big old mighty Google makes mistakes on its UI. Take a look at this screenshoot from google calendar, you’ll see that the “All Day” lines are not aligned with the rest on the week view. Of course I had to do a full screen on a 1680 by 1050 resolution ...

Serial Progress Bar for ASP.NET 3.5

Serial Progress Bar for ASP.NET 3.5
There are many user controls in ASP.NET for a progress bar, but not so many for a progress bar that shows you how many steps are finished and how many are left to be completed. I call that a Serial Progress Bar, hence the title of the post. So since I had to go ahead ...

Web apps UI trends

Web apps UI trends
Google’s social initiative google+, gave the opportunity to change their main web applications (search, gmail, calendar, google +) UI considering the new trends. Even though they are still experimenting they seem to be on the right track. They are combining cleanness, simplicity and flexibility. Google say their design principles are based on focus, elasticity and effortlessness. I will try ...