ASUS PadFone, the smartphone that docks into a tablet 1

ASUS PadfoneNow here’s an interesting concept for you. ASUS has just introduced, or rather teased, their newest device called PadFone. As the name suggests its a 4.3 phone that turns into a 10.1 tablet ( though the dimensions or specifications are not yet finalized).

So what the mockups show, is a smartphone with android like interface, that can be docked into a larger display (the tablet). We assume that the tablet is really a simple IO docking device and all the work is being done by the smartphone.

It’s a really nice idea, though its been though of before ( Still its important to see that ASUS is thinking about it. After all Tablets are basically big phones and we end up buying 2 devices that could easily become one.  Now if you add a nice little keyboard dock like the one on eee Transformer, you got your self a real multi-gadget device and then the possibilities are endless.

ASUS Padfone Back sideASUS Padfone Front

ASUS Padfone Smartphone

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