Multi-OS/device Task Management with toodledo

Multi-OS/device Task Management with toodledo
Ever since I discovered that you could use the internet for task managenent (think yahoo calendar… just found out I had pending tasks from 2001 šŸ™‚ ), I was trying toĀ figureĀ out a workflow that would work for me. My requirements were simple… help me remember all of my tasks, keep track of all things I ...

ASUS PadFone, the smartphone that docks into a tablet 1

ASUS PadFone, the smartphone that docks into a tablet
Now here’s an interesting concept for you. ASUS has just introduced, or rather teased, their newest device called PadFone. As the name suggests its a 4.3 phone that turns into a 10.1 tablet ( though theĀ dimensionsĀ or specifications are not yet finalized). So what the mockups show, is a smartphone with android like interface, that can ...