DIY organization tool – cocoon Grid-It ripoff

DIY organization tool - cocoon Grid-It ripoff
Ever since I saw the Grid-It organization system from Cocoon I wanted to own one (at least one). For Cocoon though to ship a product to the edge of the world where I apparentlt live is around $60, so buying one from the source is our of the question. So I thought … hey why not ...

Phone + Camera + Tablet = Laptop 4

Phone + Camera + Tablet = Laptop
I love integrating stuff, either cloud like stuff (see Productivity Services 101, Multi-OS/device Task Management with toodledo), or hardware stuff (see ASUS PadFone). The trend was to have devices that do everything, like a phone that you can use to communicate with others, take photos or videos, browse the web, read news, check out a map, ...

Promises Promises web app

Promises Promises web app
Sick and tired of politicians big talk and undelivered promises? Well they only get away with it because their statements are not properly documented, thus its not easy to verify exactly what someone says, when they say it, concerning what subject e.t.c. In the spirit of the latest events in Cyprus, where everyone seems to resist on ...

Web apps UI trends

Web apps UI trends
Google’s social initiative google+, gave the opportunity to change their main web applications (search, gmail, calendar, google +) UI considering the new trends. Even though they are still experimenting they seem to be on the right track. They are combining cleanness, simplicity and flexibility. Google say their design principles are based on focus, elasticity and effortlessness. I will try ...

More high tech shit 1

More high tech shit
Behold the Kohler – numi toilet. The high tech shit saga continues with this out of this world product. Notice that this is not a concept design or something… It’s an actual product. Though I think it is a total waste of money, I have to admit they made a no touch solution… meaning you don’t have ...

High Tech Shit … for real

High Tech Shit ... for real
Take a look at this design. The aim of the designer (Jose Genovés) is to reduce water consumption and it does so by handling different type of waste with different methods. I wont get into too much detail, instead I will let your imagination run wild with this photo (or check out the source link ...

CMIT’s TransPhone also doubles as a tablet

CMIT's TransPhone also doubles as a tablet
We looked at Asus PadFone and we said that that was not the first time someone came up with the idea of a phone to tablet dock. Seems CMIT’s TransPhone also announced a smartphone that can be inserted into a larger multi touch display turning into a tablet. TransPhone has a 1.2GHz Qualcomm processor and a SVGA display. It is unclear on ...

ASUS PadFone, the smartphone that docks into a tablet 1

ASUS PadFone, the smartphone that docks into a tablet
Now here’s an interesting concept for you. ASUS has just introduced, or rather teased, their newest device called PadFone. As the name suggests its a 4.3 phone that turns into a 10.1 tablet ( though the dimensions or specifications are not yet finalized). So what the mockups show, is a smartphone with android like interface, that can ...