In search for the perfect Entertainment Unit

In search for the perfect Entertainment Unit
As a true techie, I’ve always been fascinated by home entertainment equipment, so my living room is full of cramped cables, power extensions and an array of unmatched devices (neither shape or colour). This is not only dangerous (mopping + electricity = death), but also very very ugly, and since I have yet to figure out a way to have all the ...

High Tech Shit … for real

High Tech Shit ... for real
Take a look at this design. The aim of the designer (Jose Genovés) is to reduce water consumption and it does so by handling different type of waste with different methods. I wont get into too much detail, instead I will let your imagination run wild with this photo (or check out the source link ...

CMIT’s TransPhone also doubles as a tablet

CMIT's TransPhone also doubles as a tablet
We looked at Asus PadFone and we said that that was not the first time someone came up with the idea of a phone to tablet dock. Seems CMIT’s TransPhone also announced a smartphone that can be inserted into a larger multi touch display turning into a tablet. TransPhone has a 1.2GHz Qualcomm processor and a SVGA display. It is unclear on ...

ASUS PadFone, the smartphone that docks into a tablet 1

ASUS PadFone, the smartphone that docks into a tablet
Now here’s an interesting concept for you. ASUS has just introduced, or rather teased, their newest device called PadFone. As the name suggests its a 4.3 phone that turns into a 10.1 tablet ( though the dimensions or specifications are not yet finalized). So what the mockups show, is a smartphone with android like interface, that can ...

News Time Line 1

News Time Line
Ok lets get started. I was talking with a friend the other day about something we heard on the news, and we couldn’t understand what it was all about. It was something like “Mr. X. will be meeting with the ABC comity to discuss the future of XYZ.” And then there was this huge buzz ...