Online search registry (cRegistry) 2

Online search registry (cRegistry)
Recently I had a chance to create an online search system which can basically connect to any database type and search and display information. I tried to make the system as configurable as possible and it should be easy to adapt in any business environment so I thought I’d share my work. I called my ...

Power by simplicity with ifttt 1

Power by simplicity with ifttt
With you can create tasks depending triggers from various channels on the basis of “If this then that”. Sounds very basic … and it is. Its power though comes from combining different channels giving its users the chance to automate a lot of processes done manually up to now. Classic example is when you are ...

Serial Progress Bar for ASP.NET 3.5

Serial Progress Bar for ASP.NET 3.5
There are many user controls in ASP.NET for a progress bar, but not so many for a progress bar that shows you how many steps are finished and how many are left to be completed. I call that a Serial Progress Bar, hence the title of the post. So since I had to go ahead ...

Web apps UI trends

Web apps UI trends
Google’s social initiative google+, gave the opportunity to change their main web applications (search, gmail, calendar, google +) UI considering the new trends. Even though they are still experimenting they seem to be on the right track. They are combining cleanness, simplicity and flexibility. Google say their design principles are based on focus, elasticity and effortlessness. I will try ...