Online search registry (cRegistry) 2

Online search registry (cRegistry)
Recently I had a chance to create an online search system which can basically connect to any database type and search and display information. I tried to make the system as configurable as possible and it should be easy to adapt in any business environment so I thought I’d share my work. I called my ...

Getting on top of things with MonitrAll

Getting on top of things with MonitrAll
This is for all those in IT people working in crazy environments. Have you ever found your self trying to administer several systems, all using different technologies, insane IT operations that break all the time, no documentation, people who knew the systems nowhere to be found, and always trying to defend your self to the ...

PHP Notificator

PHP Notificator
We have been looking for an easy way to programmatically send email notifications to customers and came up with small php application to do just that. As it turned out we never used it but hey since I made it might as well share it. I know, there are lots of services and applications out there ...

PHP PDO Connect Everywhere 2

PHP PDO Connect Everywhere
Back to programming. We all know how cool PHP is. What is even cooler is using PHP with PDO to connect to … well basically everywhere. Now that I suddenly remembered my coding days, I thought I’d share a little guide on using PHP with PDO on windows.

DIY organization tool – cocoon Grid-It ripoff

DIY organization tool - cocoon Grid-It ripoff
Ever since I saw the Grid-It organization system from Cocoon I wanted to own one (at least one). For Cocoon though to ship a product to the edge of the world where I apparentlt live is around $60, so buying one from the source is our of the question. So I thought … hey why not ...

Schedule stuff with PHP

Schedule stuff with PHP
Its been a while but I finally found some time to do some programming. I needed a way to schedule notifications with PHP so I turned to the Internet and made a quick search. I couldn’t find a nice post on the subject so I thought I’d make one hoping to help a little bit.

Timeline jquery – APOEL Champions League 2011 – 2012

Timeline jquery - APOEL Champions League 2011 - 2012
I liked the jquery timeline so much that I had to do one more. This time I created a timeline as a tribute on APOEL’s Champions League adventure with links from Below is an embedded version in my post using the Timeline wordpress plugin, but you can also view a full screen version at APOEL Champions ...

Timeline jquery plugin

Timeline jquery plugin
Remember my post on news timeline… well now its even easier to implement with Timeline, a jquery plugin for displaying linear date based events. It is really easy to use and it can pull in media from different sources such as Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo, Google Maps or SoundCloud. Timeline uses as input either a Google ...

Serial Progress Bar for ASP.NET 3.5

Serial Progress Bar for ASP.NET 3.5
There are many user controls in ASP.NET for a progress bar, but not so many for a progress bar that shows you how many steps are finished and how many are left to be completed. I call that a Serial Progress Bar, hence the title of the post. So since I had to go ahead ...

jQuery UI Dialog for ASP.NET 3.5 1

jQuery UI Dialog for ASP.NET 3.5
Its a bit tricky when you want to use jQuery UI components in ASP.NET projects. There are some things that are not aligned between the two technologies, even though one is client side and the other is server side. For starters both have their own Ajax scripts, so when incorporating jQuery UI components on a page you would have to decide ...