Power by simplicity with ifttt 1

Power by simplicity with ifttt
With ifttt.com you can create tasks depending triggers from various channels on the basis of “If this then that”. Sounds very basic … and it is. Its power though comes from combining different channels giving its users the chance to automate a lot of processes done manually up to now. Classic example is when you are ...

Google maps directions for Cyprus 2

Google maps directions for Cyprus
At long last you can find your way in Cyprus with google maps. Directions have been enabled on their platform and the street coverage seems to be decent. You can search streets using both English or Greek names. Now everyone with moble internet and google maps on their phones have a GPS navigation system on ...

Productivity Services 101 2

Productivity Services 101
I mentioned in a previous posts productivity tools that I use. By definition these tools or services must help me be more productive, thus they should be easy to use and take as little of my time as possible to administer. Some notion of automation should apply so as to save as much time as ...

Multi-OS/device Task Management with toodledo

Multi-OS/device Task Management with toodledo
Ever since I discovered that you could use the internet for task managenent (think yahoo calendar… just found out I had pending tasks from 2001 🙂 ), I was trying to figure out a workflow that would work for me. My requirements were simple… help me remember all of my tasks, keep track of all things I ...

Promises Promises web app

Promises Promises web app
Sick and tired of politicians big talk and undelivered promises? Well they only get away with it because their statements are not properly documented, thus its not easy to verify exactly what someone says, when they say it, concerning what subject e.t.c. In the spirit of the latest events in Cyprus, where everyone seems to resist on ...

Buy Soccer Tickets On-line … In Cyprus

Buy Soccer Tickets On-line ... In Cyprus
Wow am so proud. I can now buy my tickets online from http://www.apoelfc.com.cy/. Well it’s been around for some time now, but I just noticed that I can select the exact positions I want. The interface is not that great but does the job. Its a good old java application and it behaves just like ...

Web apps UI trends

Web apps UI trends
Google’s social initiative google+, gave the opportunity to change their main web applications (search, gmail, calendar, google +) UI considering the new trends. Even though they are still experimenting they seem to be on the right track. They are combining cleanness, simplicity and flexibility. Google say their design principles are based on focus, elasticity and effortlessness. I will try ...